Welcome to the ALAT API Portal. The objective of this site is to make ALAT APIs accessible to businesses and application developers.
Build financial solutions where customers never have to visit a bank, because our APIs offer a wide range of capabilities for account creation, digital payments, savings and loans.

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Explore our well-documented APIs to help build internationally acceptable financial solutions to help serve everyday customer needs.



To begin using our APIs, you have to subscribe to a product and use the test Authentication Codes to test your product. When you are ready to go live, you will apply for production credentials. Along with the credentials is a unique ID that you have to pass with every call you make to the API.


A failed request returns error messages and the appropriate HTTP response code

Here are some common errors.

Invalid Channel ID

Please verify that you are passing the correct channel ID for your application. Also verify that the your access has not been revoked.

Too Many Requests - Error 429

Depending on your product subscription, you may get this error when you exceed the allowed number of requests in a specified period. When you get this error, you have to wait a while before sending more requests. Please check your subscription for details.

Unauthorized - Error 401

This error indicates that the request being made did not contain the necessary authentication credentials (e.g., an API subscription key) and therefore the client was denied access. The client should not continue to make similar requests without including an API subscription key in the request.


  "result": null,

  "errorMessage": null,



      "An error description.",

      "Another error description."


  "hasError": true,

  "timeGenerated": "2020-10-20T07:45:00.2133878Z"


API Endpoints